kimberly michelle’s super splendid handmade holiday card swap-a-roo: 2009 edition

This year… in order to really get into the holiday spirit, I’ll be hosting a handmade holiday card swap here on the blog! Participating will be really quite simple! Just create a batch of homemade holiday cards in any DIY-way that you’d like, send them off to me en masse, and I’ll send back 10 cards from other participants in the swap! It’s the perfect way to get some extra crafting in before the holiday rush, perhaps even spur you to create your holiday cards early, and also receive unique cards to send to extra special people over the holidays!
To keep things simple and uncomplicated, I’ll ask that you stick to a “Happy Holidays” non-denominational theme in any way that you’d like to convey that (i.e. Seasons Greetings, Happy New Year, Spirit of the Holidays, etc.). That way we can all receive wonderful cards that we can exchange with everyone! Sound like something you’d be interested in??? If you are… just read the guidelines below and then click the link to sign up!
- Please create standard sized cards (A2, A6, A7, 5.5×5.5) with envelopes (you may decorate the envelope to go with the card if you like, but it’s not necessary)
- Create and send in 10 or 11 cards, and in return you will get 10 back, each from a different artist! The 11th card, if you choose to send one, will be sent to the “Holiday Mail for Heroes” program through the Red Cross. Simply title it “Dear Service Member, Family or Veteran” and sign the card – exclude any personal information like a home/email address. I’ll mail those cards out in bulk on your behalf!
- You can choose to make your batch all the same or different.
- Feel free to be as creative as you like with your card designs! Use fun materials, glitter, stamps, wood postcards, hand drawings, etc.!
- Please include a SASE (large manilla envelope) with the same amount of postage it took to mail them to me. Also, include two loose stamps just in case, I will return them in the envelope if not needed. (I will not re-use the envelope that you sent me, please send a separate envelope for the return trip)
- Cards should be mailed to me by the 27th of November, and I should get them no later than December 1st. I will sort and mail them back out on the 5th of December.
- Please identify yourself someway (name/blog/twitterID/email/etc.) and place it on a sticky note on each of the cards. It would be lovely to know who each card came from!
- No need to worry about privacy or sharing your address… I will receive and redistribute all cards so your information will never go beyond me!
- At the end of the swap, all participants will be thanked and acknowledged on the blog (along with links to your blog if you provide them). I will also take a photo of each card that is submitted and share them in a flickr gallery as well for all blog readers to enjoy!
Simply click here to sign-up for the swap by November 20th!
(and be sure to pass the word on to your friends!):

Gloria Huang
What a great way to get into the holiday spirit! :) Thanks for your support for the Holiday Mail program, and good luck with the card swap! I look forward to seeing how it turns out.