
my 2010 holiday coffee obsession = mint

Some people mark the seasons by the ‘Buck’s changing menu. Since I long abandoned the evil Mermaid for my own brew (don’t congratulate me,  if there was a ‘Bean or a DD within 10 miles, I’d be there daily), my holidays are now celebrated with this minty concoction:

Nestle Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamer http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_R_zCF79JQuU/TJgWY_AHMBI/AAAAAAAAAvw/fLSmHRi9UGA/s1600/Small+MochaMint_Straight+copy.jpg
Peppermint Mocha creamer ($1.79 at Target) and Mocha Mint ($6.79 at Target) Dunkin Donuts coffee.
Insanely minty and lovely and at my reach day and night. And lots of cups of enjoyment for the price of 2 treats at the ‘Buck!