• Bloggy

    pay it forward fun

    As my blog keeps climbing toward 500 subscribers… I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out a way to celebrate. I’m still thinking about what to do, but in the meantime I stumbled upon this pay it forward blog…

  • Bloggy

    back to (blog) school time…

    Earlier on Twitter, I asked, “Do you ever get miffed when you don’t see your blog on someone else’s blog list? Like upset or just think “they probably forgot” ?” .I’ll admit this happened to me this morning, and I’m…

  • Bloggy

    guest appearance on back to basics…

    . I’m making a guest appearance on “back to the basics” today! Julie has a wonderful blog, and she’s been an awesome reader here for quite a long time! Go pay her blog a visit, see how adorable her son…

  • Bloggy

    it’s so easy to like things

    . “Like” is the verb of the moment. You can “like” just about anything you want on facebook. And now… via my blog… you can “like” blog posts. Just as you’d flip through photos or status updates and click a…