• Bloggy

    reflecting and evolving this space

    Last month, I signed up for a workshop with the amazing Gwen Bell (of REVERB#10-fame and every other echelon of the Internet) to “Align Your Website.” I’ve had this space at kimberlymichelle.com since 2003… first as a personal website, then…

  • Bloggy

    have you seen the new kirtsy.com

    Have you had a chance to see the new kirtsy.com that relaunched at the end of July?  If you knew of the site in its past life… it was a content aggregator (like DIGG, StumbleUpon, etc.) that was led and…

  • Bloggy

    guest blogging at Back2BasicsBlog.com

    I did a guest blog over on “Back to the Basics” yesterday… go check it out and say, “Hi!” to the lovely Miss Julie while you’re there! Her son, Brayden, is absolutely adorable, and #2 is on the way shortly!

  • Bloggy

    simply inspired indulgence: the winner!

    And the winner is…. And her favorite pizza? “margherita pizza (tomato, mozzarella and basil) on the grill” Um… that sounds like it’s almost healthy, right? I need to get Mr. M into grilling some pizzas this summer! Thanks again to…