• family

    Can you stay 4 forever?

    One day… probably around April, 2014, I started making a simple request of Miss L on occasions that she did something amazingly adorable (which, to a mom, is almost everything all the time, so realize that I did limit myself).…

  • family,  sporty

    scenes from the 2015 alamo bowl

    January 2, 2015. The day my mom and I returned to Texas for yet another UCLA Football game. This time for a bowl game. It might not have been the national championship team that we all hoped for in August…

  • family

    Happy Merry Christmas 2014

    Happiest of Christmas wishes to you and your family this year! Past Movie Themed Christmas cards: 2013: It’s a Wonderful Life 2012: Home Alone 2011: How the Grinch Stole Christmas 2010: Gremlins

  • family

    halloween 2014: our hero in a half shell

    This summer, Miss L got to go see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in the theatres, and soon after the obsession began. Little figurines showed up around the house. Then coloring books. And soon after, there were endless drawings of her…