• family

    a toddler’s bento box of snacks

    Miss L’s appetite is growing more than she is these days… and we’ve officially moved into a phase where meals are not enough. Nope… we need snacks too! While she gets a lunch at school, we also pack her a…

  • family

    two jobs and a baby: the sick days

    We are a two-parent, full-time working household. I’m not just a “working” mom… we’re a working family. And this is no better illustrated than what happened this week, or late last month, when the baby gets sick. Kids get sick.…

  • lovely

    20 x 200

    You really can’t get too much for $20 these days. Heck, we wanted to decorate the apartment with some picture frames and we could only buy 3 frames that we liked for $21… I love scouring etsy for amazing prints…