• yummy

    summer panini: grilled e & o with roasted p

    Summer is truly here this week, with another 100+ degree day this afternoon. Unlike other locales where the temperature peaks around 12-1pm, the hottest part of our valley summers come at 4pm. That often dampens the excitement of cooking dinner…

  • family

    kiddie pools are pretty fancy these days

    The sun came out this weekend, which meant two things. One: we could finally mow the lawn without chance of electrocution. Two: it was warm enough to bust out the awesome new kiddie pool for Miss L! You’d be amazed…

  • yummy

    weekend adventures in grilling

    The weather decided to cooperate this weekend and NOT be 100+ degrees, so we ventured out to the backyard and fired up the grill for two wonderful meals. . The first: Beer can chicken! . Now, I’d been excited to…