
botw: The boots needed some friends!


So last week’s bargain was a great deal on ski boots. This week, I decided to venture out and see if I could find some skis to match. I’d had my eye on the LUV series by K2, an all-women’s line of skis that honor both Title IX in their name and donate a portion of their sales to breast cancer research. They’ve got First Luv’s, Sweet Luv’s, True Luv’s, One Luv’s, and the list goes on and on…. all of them rated as great skis within a pretty decent price range.


I’d decided that if I could find a pair of skis and bindings around $250 (including shipping/taxes/etc.) that I’d make the jump and buy them. I searched high and low and finally happened upon a pair of very reasonably priced Burnin’ Luv skis on ebay. So, on President’s day, I submitted a last minute bid and got these beauties (still in the plastic wrap no less) with bindings for only $110.50!!! As luck would have it, the skis were in South Lake Tahoe (my skiing destination this past weekend) so I got to pick them up on Saturday morning before I hopped on the lifts! I found out that they paid $125 wholesale for these skis… and the pricetag still on them was for $1049.


Now that, my friends, was an insane bargain.