the wiibow is back
Thanks to the magical balance board and Wii Fit… I’d really started to forget what “Wiibow” (or wii tennis elbow) felt like. That is, until they invented this amazingly magical contraption known as Wii Motion Plus, and suddenly that sting in my right elbow is back like it’s Christmas 2006. I blame it squarely on the new Wii Sports Resort games… mainly canoeing & ping pong… but if I were into golf I’m sure I’d be swearing up a storm at Tiger Woods as well. You see, the Wii suddenly requires more than hand/eye coordination… it now needs you to balance and twist your hands and body properly in order to get the right digital result.
I can honestly say that canoeing frustrates me, but makes me yearn to play through the sweat for more… and I’m abandoning Frisbee Dog the second I see Mr. M master the game in 1 minute due to his awesome disc skills.
I can’t in any way say this group of games is as awesome as plain ‘ol SPORTS (GameSpot gives it an 8.0/10)…. but it’s definitely a great addition to the library and great because you get a “Motion Plus” sleeve to add to your controller. And who doesn’t want to challenge a group of friends to a competitive canoe race in your living room?!?