kate does clothes… the right way

My favorite store manager in the whole wide world (ok… I don’t know that many, but any person who takes the time to gossip with you for 2 hours when you stop in to say “hi” is ridiculously lovely) showed me the secret flip-book over a month ago, but seeing it online is just another reassurance that Kate Spade is a heavenly label that should be put on toast and jam.
Her new clothing line debuted today… and it’s full of a complete line of tops and skirts and coats and bottoms and… well, all the accessories to go with it. With the Liz Claiborne umbrella to search under, they’ve found manufacturers for all of these exquisite items… including the most wonderfully colored fall tights. I’m not sure my budget will be able to afford many (or any) pieces this fall, but I’ll happily covet them as inspiration in the meantime.