black friday/cyber monday for babies
This year, instead of hunting for the perfect gifts for ourselves and family/friends on the hottest sales days of the year… we’re out hunting for baby goods at a discount. On Friday, the shopping agenda included a stop at the uber-baby boutique of the west coast, Goore‘s, where early birds (8-10 am risers… thank goodness) were treated to an extra 5% discount on top of their 15% discount from most things in the store.
As usual, my eyes glazed over and I got baby-stuff-overload-fever once again… but at least I did walk out of there with a couple of necessities and some baby shower presents as well.
One of the items I was happy to get was the coveted Moby baby wrap. I keep hearing people swear that these are the most amazing things in the world… so for the price of a fancy t-shirt, I figured I might as well give it a try. I bought it in orange just in case Mr. M ever wants to try baby wearing as well.
My other essential purchase was a swaddling blanket… the Miracle Blanket to be exact. I had another brand in my hand when an all-knowing mom walked by and said, “You need the Miracle Blanket! It’s the only one that keeps their arms in tight!” and steered me in the right direction. She subsequently picked up 5 of them to gift for baby showers… so at least I know someone thinks they are amazing.
I’m pretty certain that we’ve nailed down the stroller of choice as well… after only making 3 visits back and forth to the store. Despite the tempting 20% discount on Friday, I think we will wait until the 2010 model comes out to jump on the purchase and do it online as well. Luckily it’s not an essential purchase before the baby arrives, so I don’t feel too badly about putting it on hold.
As for cyber Monday… two more purchases are down the hatch.
A boring… but very essential purchase… a mattress from for $68 shipped (50% off cyber monday sale).
And the other exciting purchase:
… a Little Castle glider/recliner for the nursery! It’s difficult finding a glider that fits us tall people… but I really wanted one that could reclined as my neck/back don’t really enjoy falling asleep in a chair for long periods of time. This one will hopefully fit the bill (as it’s online only) and solve the great glider hunt for a very reasonable price! Thank you for having a 15% discount on the purchase!

E @ Oh!Apostrophe
Once again, totally impressed by your sales-hunting ways!
Emily Bacchini
Good find on the moby wrap! I carried Michael in a sling all the time when he was little and loved it!
hope you are doing well!
Ok Kim.. I must know… what is your stroller pick? We’re coming to a decision on ours and I was surprised to find how different I felt towards models online vs. in real life. Bottom line — Mr. P and I are way too short for most cool strollers :( hehe!
kimberly michelle
We “think” we’re going with the UppaBaby Vista — as we have the issue that only the pricey strollers fit the giants :( We were really going for the Mutsy for awhile, but realized it was a bit harder to move and all the components added up to the same price, and the baby wouldn’t be as high up as they are in the Vista. The 2010 model has lots of the upgrades that would be highly desirable, so that’s why we’re waiting on it. Not going to lie though… the price makes me ill!
you will love your little castle! You were smart to get a recliner.. that is the only thing I regret about mine
Ahhh! That’s the one I was in love with… until we tried it in the store and it looked like it was pushing me instead of the other way around. :(((( I was super bummed because it’s so nice! I’m of the “you-get-what-you-pay-for” minded group, so though it is pricey, I honestly doubt you will regret it. We’re planning to get a pricey stroller as well (have become the surprise prey to the size and handling of the Bug Bee even tho I swore up and down I wouldn’t get a Bugaboo) and I’m pretty sure we’ll get flack about spending so much from some people… but everyone chooses to where they save and where they splurge.
P.S. I’m adding stuff to my online Goore’s cart as I type this comment. You’re my hero. :) Loving your posts!
Ahh, Kim! I’ve had a Miracle Blanket sitting in its package here for months with your name on it! Well, having more than one is definitely a good thing…I paid for next-day shipping on some of mine when Henry had his first Miracle Blanket-soaking accident one night (when we only had one blanket!). :P Glad you’re finding deals!
PS–If you ever feel inclined to order more Miracle Blankets…click through the button at the bottom of my blog ( and apparently I get some money eventually! (I am not sure about that, though, because I think so far I’m the only one who uses that link! LOL)
Miracle Blankets are miracles. For a momma who had a baby that truly had colic (no more than about 2 hours a sleep a day for the first 3 months), I would do an infomerical for these things. They are fabulous. We only had one and went into a panic when he threw up on it, and we had to wash it. I remember doing that at 2am…
And it was the first thing I bought an additional of, for baby girl. The girl in the store was right–it’s the best one to hold their arms down, and they can’t out of it.
Stepping off the happy soapbox of MBs :)