maybe our neighbors suspect its just for fall…

A few weeks ago, we painted our front door. ORANGE. We painted it ORANGE. Bright crazy shiny wild ORANGE.
I was going to take a photo of our house and go “photoshop-crazy” to find the appropriate orange color to pick, but Mr. M thought it would be much more fun to just run into Lowe’s, pick out an awesome orange color and run with it. And that’s just what we did.
It took one coat of primer and 3 coats of orange paint. And now we have the brightest door in a neighborhood of muted suburban track home hues.
I decided not to let the orange door steal the show completely, so I headed to the fabric store for something to cover up our green bench seat. It needed some orange in it, and a few other colors to balance out the door.

And now I just need a couple of more orange splashes to add to the porch and I’ll reveal the new look! I’m so lucky it’s fall and orange is around every corner right now!
Oh I LOVE the fabric!!! I can’t wait to see the whole thing!
Kristin ~ Bien Living Design
Fun! Can’t wait to see the whole reveal!!
I’m excited to see the final reveal! I really like the fabric you chose for the bench, and I think bright doors are awesome – maybe your neighbors will be inspired too?
The pattern for your bench seat is really pretty.I think it was Frank Sinatra that said that orange was the happiest color so you will be the happiest looking house on the block.
kimberly michelle
I really love the fact that our ORANGE door opens up into our orange sitting/dining room… it works out quite nicely that way.
I love it!! I’ve become such an orange fan lately…my latest favorite color, and NOT b/c of Fall. Just because it’s so fun! Can’t wait to see the whole thing! :)
kimberly michelle
You and Mr. M would get along splendidly with the color craze :)
Good for you for doing it! :)
Love the color! :-)
LOVE the color you chose, and I love the matching fabric. I’m sure everyone is going to want to be painting their doors, too. You’ll start a trend.
Oh my gosh! I…love…it!!!!!!