• homey

    Back to Hogwarts on September 1st

    While the kiddo’s away, you’ve got to mess with her stuff, right? This time it’s a Harry Potter redo of her room, which we hadn’t touched since before she was born. A post shared by Chris M (@thewrongmonkey) on Aug…

  • homey

    learning how to be ultra strong with hefty®

    Last week I got the opportunity to escape my cubicle mid-week and head out for a nice lunch party sponsored by Hefty® . When the invitation came my way, I honestly got really excited to attend an event to learn…

  • homey

    Cleaning up at Costco

    This post was sponsored by P&G as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review. You know those click-bait articles about how working parents can’t get it all done? And that they…

  • homey

    fairy houses in the garden

    I didn’t know it when we bought our first fairy houses, but they seem to have an uncanny ability to multiply. And while we had found a few spots in the backyard to hang Miss L’s first houses, we were…

  • homey

    The M Family Portrait

    We haven’t had any family photo sessions. That’s pretty scandalous for a blogger to admit, but it’s true! Instead we just have all our snapshots and dSLR photos and wedding photos on the walls. I decided that I’d change that…