fleck-ing the day away

It’s no hidden mystery and Mr. M and I like our video games. And while we have a few crossover favorites, I tend to enjoy more situational games and long-term strategy rather than shoot-em-up or sports games. But, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a little combat in my games too. I think it’s why there are so many female MMORPG players out there… because as long as you make the game about something more than combat, we’ll be invested in whatever we need to do. [p.s. yes, six years later the Mr. and I are still playing that WOW thing… I blame the holiday events and the pets]
So when I happened upon a chance to Beta test a new MMO game called Fleck, I was highly intrigued. Why? Because not only can you grow a garden, dance with friends, and complete quests, but you can also kill zombies!

Yup… it’s a grow your village game with automated combat. In essence, a pretty nice way to let off 5 minutes of steam instead of screaming out the window during the middle of the day!
It’s also set in the real world instead of the imaginary one… so you actually interact with real maps and real locations! Your “hometown” can be any city in the United States that you want… and you can compete against other cities to make it yours the highest ranked in the game. Check it out… I bought prime ocean front real estate in my hometown:
Like most of these “Farmville”-like games, you basically just hang out where you live in Fleck, cultivate your little area, and help out your friends when needed. The added bonus here, is that you can actually team up with lots of other players for massive Zombie fights, can play different roles in the fight (i.e. be a healer), and hang out with your friends while they’re playing too. Now… that can be friends from real life, or the ones who just randomly ask for your help in the chat room.
All in all, it’s a pretty fun little game and has some different quirks that make it a nice change of pace from complex games or all of the dribble that clogs up Facebook. And… if you have an iPad, you can play it on there too!
There is something amazingly comforting about playing an MMO… not sure if it’s just the fact that you know there are other people out there and see them in real time playing along with you… or that you don’t feel so alone in reaching out for a few minutes of silliness that means absolutely nothing every now and then.
So if you don’t want to be sucked into facebook after you spend a few minutes playing a game, head to Fleck and try it out! And if you do join, you can add me as a friend: kim_michelle!
Thank you again to Self Aware Games for sponsoring this blog post. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective. All opinions expressed here are my own.
#CleverFleck #spon