
how to be happy about the end of the hunger games

This post was sponsored by Lionsgate as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central.

I remember the day that Jennifer Lawrence was announced as Katniss back in early 2011. Social media went nuts… in the worst way. Everyone announced, in their best authoritative movie tone, that she would “ruin” the books and the character and everything that the written trilogy stood for. And now, on the eve of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 coming out in theatres on Friday, November 20th, could you possibly imagine cheering on anyone else in that role?

Back then, I really had no idea what anyone was talking about because I hadn’t read the books. And since I saw The Hunger Games, I decided that I’d stay away from them until I watched the final film. So after four years of shooshing people who have tried to ruin the ending, you really can’t understand how excited I am to be just hours away from seeing how everything ends up in Panem! But it doesn’t mean I’m completely clueless as to the final plot… I mean… we have all seen the trailers right??

In this film, Katniss won’t be contained in any staged arena, but instead she’s trying to end the rule of President Snow along with Gale, Finnick & Peeta. And knowing her, the choices she’ll have to make throughout will be gut-wrenching and tear-inducing as always, but in an amazingly badass way! I don’t know about you, but every time I see one of the films, I just want to run out and do something good so that the world never becomes Panem. I guess that’s what good dystopian fiction is all about, right?

I know at least one person who will be seeing that opening night show (ahem – Michelle)… and I’m sure the rest of the world will follow this weekend. This is definitely a weekend made for Fandango!

Speaking of which… I-C is hosting a contest where you can enter to win one of 5 $100 Fandango gift cards to purchase tickets for Mockingjay – Part 2!
To enter, just choose a social media sharing option from the social media amplification tool below! (And do it soon! Entries close Friday, November 20, 2015!)

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*I-C will randomly select 5 winners from all program entries and will handle fulfillment of the winning prizes.

Oh… and may the odds be ever in your favor!


  • Kim

    So awesome – I really can’t wait to see this one. I read the books long before the movies came out and I’ve actually forgotten so much. I still remember the gist but I like some of the little surprises.

  • stee

    I love JLaw as Katniss.
    Where I think they screwed up casting was with Peeta and Gale. The two actors should switch parts. That always bugs me when I watch the movies. Peeta should be the big strapping handsome guy, not the little Hobbity one.