
nano power

I had a Gen 1 ipod. It had no click wheel. It lived a noble life until it died three years later, at which time Apple awarded me with a class action lawsuit settlement of $100 for my time/trouble. I used that credit to buy my first matchstick shuffle, which accompanied me on many  workouts at my star-studded gym. My parents got me my second Shuffle… it clipped on my clothes and made the neckstring of the old shuffle obsolete. Then I got my Gen 1 iphone… which will stay with me until nature or lack of nuturing does it in… maybe in time for a Gen 4?

But… I never owned a Nano. And now, thanks to the generosity of my hubby, I do. It’s my new pocket radio (hello “Talk of the Nation” on my lunchbreak… how are you?), my personal pedometer (we’re only at 2400 steps as of noon), silly video camera, and music player all in one. It’s pretty awesome all around, and super super blue. It also fits in my pocket without notice, which makes it wonderful for its pedometer use… reminding me how much more I need to be walking every day! I’m hoping it’ll also capture a couple of vlog attempts, some bunny face-washing cuteness, and general M family antics as well.

Ah… new toys… get me out of a funk everytime…

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