
back to school, or simply to school we go…

“SCHOOL! SCHOOOOOOOL! SCHOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!” Those are the words out of Miss L’s mouth each morning when we head on out the door on the way to school/daycare each day. She does a little jig of a dance and hops around and chants the same word over and over again as we approach the car, eager to head on off to see her friends and spend the day away from home.

And since she goes to school every weekday, and has all summer long, there will be nothing different between her month of August or September in terms of her curriculum or classroom… but that doesn’t mean that Miss L has to miss out on any of the “back to school” fun for the season!

I’ve taken this time as a good reminder to stock up on supplies for those art lessons at home (or just coloring breaks whenever she wants), to switch out the nightly books from the downstairs library and move them upstairs for bedtime, and look forward at the developmental highlights that Miss L should be hitting in the upcoming months. And aiming to do things a bit more orderly, like keeping track of her word list (we roughly counted 47 the other night on our hands).

And I’ve also started a mental checklist of all the things I want to do when the real back to school rolls around. I yearn to throw a back to school feast like NieNie does each and every year, prepare a gift basket for the new teachers like Shim & Sons, take a bunch of photos of the day using Rebecca Cooper’s photo checklist, and create back to school signs for each first day of school like Blonde Designs. Of course I’ll have to throw in my own creative twist into the mix, but I’ve got a couple more years until I need to figure out exactly what that is…

But for now, I think I’m going to celebrate this time by stocking up on some name labels from TinyPrintsBack to School collection to stick on things that leave our house and need to come back…

Zoo Animals: Tea Rose Gift TagsClimbing Panda Gift TagsMeadow Flowers Gift Tag Stickers Gift Tags

… and perhaps gift some nice stationary cards to some of Miss L’s current teachers as well.

Folded Thank You Cards Teddy Teamwork - Front : Sea BlueThank You Cards Teachers Rule - Front : White

I can’t let everyone else have all the fun… and plus, I think Miss L’s teachers deserve a little extra love since they never get a summer break and work extra hard all year long with kids non-stop!

Do you do anything special to celebrate the new school year, even if it’s just sending a shiny apple to the classroom?

BackToSchool with Tiny Prints

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