• family

    why people buy family portrait sessions

      In the age of abundant DSLRs, one sometimes forgets why anyone would spend lots of money for family portraits. But then when you begin to realize just how hard it is to wrangle a 2 year old into smiling…

  • family

    the first egg hunt

    Last year, Miss L wasn’t walking at 14 months, so there was no Easter egg hunt for us. But this year was a whole different story. She learned to love peeps and bunnies and how to hunt for eggs wherever…

  • family

    discovering you have really long roots

          I tend to think of family lineage within the past few generations… who came over to America from where and basically how in the heck both sides of the family ended up in Northern California. But my…

  • family

    the many Irish faces of Miss L

    Miss L has quite a bit of Irish blood in her veins, and sometimes you might mistake her for a little leprechaun. Devious smiles… … inquisitive looks… … and all around giggles. ——————————————————- (edited to add) Oh… and we could…