• lovely

    happy independence

    When I was in Washington, DC for a work trip a few weeks ago, I decided to get lost in Arlington Cemetery for a few hours. When I arrived, I went on the usual path. Through the visitor’s center, past…

  • lovely

    the silver screen

    A lot of popular art these days is focused on reimagining movies that hold a special place in our popular culture hearts. Each month, the Silver Screen Society picks a new film and asks artists to submit their interpretations. This…

  • lovely

    just another picnic day at the farm

    Picnic Day at UC Davis is a 98 year-old tradition and the largest student run event in the country. It started out as simply a day to escape from the hectic early 20th century life on Berkeley’s campus to the…

  • lovely

    an imaginary arcade

    This story is close to the “viral point” … so please excuse me if you’ve seen it already. But treasuring and celebrating imagination is something that I feel is close to being a lost art. So go on… watch this…

  • lovely

    hacked (up a lung)

    Dear friends, My website got hacked two weeks ago. And despite many efforts to fix things the simple way each and every day, I eventually realized I couldn’t fix it without a clean wipe of my entire site. Sadly, my…