• saavy

    abridged and illustrated book bargains for kids

    A couple months ago, Mr. M purchased “Treasure Island” for Miss L’s library. It was our family’s first attempt at reading some of these abridged & illustrated classics, and she ate up the story day after day like a sponge!…

  • lovely

    more BabyLit! Austen, Bronte & Melville!

    The first installment of Austen & Bronte came with the Pride & Prejudice and Jane Eyre counting primers from Baby Lit. And you jumped over to Amazon and bought them as gifts for all those lovely kiddos in your life…

  • family

    “This is” _______

    The “This is ________” series of books by Miroslav Sasek are sweet reminders of how beautiful and truly precious a simple children’s book can be! Many of the books in the series have been reissued in the past few years…

  • lifestyle

    high school reading club

    Each summer, my high school would send the summer reading list along with the final report card of the year. You were only required to read one (or two) books, but then there was a list of “suggested” titles for…

  • family

    indestructible books for babies?

    What do we have here??? New books on my bookshelf? Let’s see if we can fold them… yup! And shake them? And eat them? Yes??? What kind of books are these??? Those would be the awesome Indestructible books that we…