• corgi,  lifestyle,  trendy

    London’s first corgicon

    It’s true! On October 21, 2017, Miss London the Corgi attended her first ever Northern California CorgiCon! And it truly was a sight to see! There were hundreds of corgis ready to play and thousands of people ready to play…

  • sporty

    Our Super Bowl 50 NFL Experience

    Next Sunday, the Broncos and the Panthers will play in Super Bowl 50 in Santa Clara. So this past Saturday, our family headed down to San Jones to revel in a bit of the frenzy before the big game.   …

  • lifestyle

    vacation in San Francisco

    Over Memorial Day weekend, Mr. M and I escaped to my version of “the city” (Mr. M’s “city” will always be NYC) for a jam-packed wedding weekend. I think that I can officially call this my first “vacation” in San…

  • lifestyle

    watching people run

    On Sunday, Miss L and I headed into San Francisco to cheer on my bff, Audrey, as she raced in the San Francisco Marathon. Auds isn’t new to running at all. In fact, when we were roommates in college, I…

  • lifestyle

    a Saturday with Hugh

    On Saturday, we escaped from the warmth of the valley to the foggy breeze of the city for a little bit of a theatre treat. Through a very random series of events, Hugh Jackman decided to debut a one-man show…