how to save just a little bit more…
I currently don’t have an office chair in our office. Instead, I use one of the dining room chairs when I’m working at my desktop computer. Mr. M has been trying to get me to buy a new chair forever… and I kept telling him to “wait for a deal to arrive.”

He thought I was crazy… but then when I bought this chair yesterday for $64.64. You see… it was $80 off – $20 coupon + free shipping. I think he finally understood.
Before I ever hit “send my order” online … I always visit at least three sites:
1) —> coupon codes for most businesses
[if sites ban them from posting codes, ala J. Crew, then individuals often post them in the forums]
2) —> enter the site you’re shopping, and you’ll see what rebate/awards site to visit to get the best return on your money. (ie. eBates) Just visit the site through that link, and you’ll be rewarded!
3) —> it’s your bestest friend! Take a second, google “_____ coupon code” or something like that and see if anything pops up! :)
Those quick three steps always make me feel like I’m at least trying to strike some sort of deal with the bargain gods, and getting something worthwhile back!
Do you have any tried and true tricks you can add to these sites??
I visit every day (I have it as one of my homepages in my browser). It’s also the first place I check for coupon codes (by searching the forums). I rarely buy anything online without a coupon!
1) usually has some pretty good coupons now that retailmenot seems to be blocking more and more retailers. :(
2) Ebates!
Broke-Ass Bride
That’s so funny, I just posted about retail me not yesterday! I love waiting for the perfect deal. you scored a great one!
thanks for the tip kim! i have been waiting on buying a study chair for the same reason. and i am also a big fan of retailmenot.
Every time I get an email with a code in it, I archive it in Gmail. That way, if I got a special code that isn’t on Retail Me Not, I don’t lose out by deleting it. Just like you, I search Google for coupon codes – but now I also search my Inbox for any archived special deals for that store.