
I’m happy that my favorite movie of the year got one top award this season… even if Mr. Oscar (if you show up this year) is trying to distance himself from all things adorably cute and robot-y.
If you still haven’t seen it, BUY it and watch it on any sad day and I promise you’ll be skipping down the street soon after. See… just writing this gets me singing… “…We’re gonna find adventure in the evening air…”
cutest.movie.ever. :)
kimberly michelle
so glad you like it too!
You should see all of the cute Wall-E toys they have at the Disney Store. Chris about lost his mind and added 10 things to his Christmas list. I heart Wall-E.
kimberly michelle
I’m sure my Chris would be all over that! I really just want to see Wall-E at Disney World and swoon over him!
I haven’t seen it! I’ll have to watch it over Christmas break!
I still haven’t seen this – but I’ve definitely been wanting to!
Oh and tag, you’re it!
kimberly michelle
I shall reply – I promise! I’m trying to get Mr. M to write them out for me :)
oh i loved this movie! i made me tear up even though i totally played it off. i’m gonna have to buy it even though the bf already sent me a copy to watch on my laptop. it’s just not the same!
kimberly michelle
No… it really needs a gigantic screen to make you feel the magic! And I couldn’t play off the tears — too many of them!!