beating better
I saw this KitchenAid mixing blade made by BeaterBlade on Coveiter earlier today, and realized it is the greatest thing since sliced bread.It scrapes while it beats… making every mixing jobs suddenly THAT much easier in your KA. I think this is going to be an essential component in all wedding/shower gifts from now on!

i saw that on tastespotting the other day and instantly fell in love. makes me wonder what took someone so long to figure this out! i can’t wait to get one myself.
I have another brand that does the same thing (SideSwipe) and it is fantastic! I have to confess that I don’t use my mixer that frequently (I belong to the old school mix by hand makes better cookies club) except for doughs, but when I am making a HUGE batch of something, my SideSwipe blade truly elevates my KitchenAid to a new level.
piper jacquelyn
I saw this today as well & have decided that I absolutely must have it. Talk about making like even easier, ha!
I couldn’t find a size that fits my 5.5 quart mixer. :(
I want one!! I’ve been using my mixer a lot recently, this would come in handy.