smelling the roses
We don’t have any roses in our yard yet, but if I happen to plant any in the upcoming months, I’ll be sure the spend a bit of time smelling them every day. That’s just a bit of a round-about way of saying that I’ve got some extra time on my hands as of last week. I’ve unfortunately found myself without one of those “J O B” thing-a-ma-jigs to carry myself away from home at 8am and return at 5pm, and while I know I’m not lonely in my predicament, it’s still not a fun place to be.
I heard a recent acquaintance speak about how she handled a recent layoff situation, and that she treated her unemployment as a full-time job. I plan to do just that, giving myself an intense schedule day in and day out just to keep the buttons firing. I know there are only so many applications to push out the door each day, but I can take some good time to devote to creative “work” as well. There’s always so many things that “could” be done that don’t get done… so hopefully I’ll carve out some time to commit to those wants.
So while I thought March was a good month to start anew, it looks like I’ll be rewinding and trying to make April my lucky month. And I do want to say that I share this only because I greatly appreciate honesty in the blog world, and I’m touched when others share and I know this is my chance to be real with people that make me smile every day by simply making my blog ticker click up.

Creepy me and my creepy husband talked about you all weekend long. Endless amounts of love are coming your way, courtesy of us! While avoiding as many cliche responses as possible, I just want you to know that you always know where to find me (because I never go anywhere). It’s a new month tomorrow, and time to turn over a new leaf! I think its a great idea to treat every day as a rigorous workday, and see nothing but bright things in your future!
Oh god, a cliche slipped out. So sorry ;)
I just wanted to comment to leave you some love.
I only have trite phrases as well. You have such a great attitude. We’re here for you!
I’m so sorry, but I’m glad you’re turning the situation into a more positive one. You seem like such a cool, creative, smart person and so I’m sure you’ll find something great, hopefully sooner than later!
Big hug and a virtual Diddy Riese to you. You have a good attitude, though! When I was laid off a few years ago, I remember thinking, ok, I can only apply for so many jobs a day, and beyond that I’ve done what I can, and I need to keep busy with other things. I can’t wait to see what amazing crafts and projects you come up with – you constantly amaze me with your creativity!
Amy I.
I hope you share your creative “work” here on your blog. I always enjoy reading what you have to say. Sounds like you have a great attitude about all this!
I’m really so sorry to hear that. You have such a great attitude, thinking of you.
brooke @ claremont road
I’m so sorry to hear that you’re yet another victim of this crappy economy, but I know that something better is waiting for you around the next corner. To be honest, my husband’s layoff has been one of the most eye-opening experiences and we are already better for it. I like your attitude, and I think it might just actually be refreshing for you to have some more time to connect with your creative-self while searching for the next gig. Best of luck to you!
Sending positive job thoughts out to you! Now you have more time to listen to every Britney song in preparation for the concert on the 11th!
Oh, man… I thought this was a cruel April Fool’s post, and then I checked the date. I’m so sorry. You’re one of my favorite bloggers. I’m pulling for you from the Great Midwest! You’re very creative and I’m sure you’ll land on your feet.
Julie S.
Way to stay positive…and keep up the great blogging! I really enjoy it!
Oh no! I’m sorry to hear about the job situation! But I’m pretty confident you’ll find something.
i’m encouraged by your attitude towards the situation. i hope the downtime isn’t long for someone as fabulous as you.
I’m so sorry to hear about this, but I hope that you can use the time not only to find a great new job, but also to get to do all the things you love. (And if you ever decide to open an Etsy boutique for those wildly popular bleach-design shirts, I’ll be a happy customer!)
Jenny Louwheeze
Just coming back to one of my favorite blogs after a few days of being s sickie (I thought of you when I carried my toilet paper to bed with me)… wanted to send some more positive thoughts along. You are such a “get-up-and-go” inspiration, no doubt you will turn this into a great opportunity in your life!