what’s old is new again
In starting up my new job, I found myself in need of purchasing a new schedule/planner to keep track of everything that’s going on. While I love Outlook and my many electronic task organizers, I realized that writing things down on paper was the only thing that was going to keep me ahead in this particular instance. I was scouring organizer websites in search of the perfect answer, when it dawned on me that I already was quite familiar with the exact tool I needed: A Lesson Plan book.
Yes… as a former classroom teacher, I’ve fallen back upon the 7-period 5-day-a-week grid organizer as my saving grace, and so far its absolutely perfect. I work on various projects (3 main ones), so I’ve chosen to list those as my “periods” and have divvied up the others into appropriate categories as well. I do have to say that I missed having my little mini-post-its that fit so perfectly into those boxes… and highlighting all of the tasks as they were accomplished. Multi-colored pens are sooo my next thing… just you wait!
I always thought that the older I’d get, I’d somehow rely on my PDA more… or find some cool new datebook that would solve everything… and instead I’m back to my roots as a 22 y/o college graduate. Oh well, we can only be so cool for so long.

i have a couple calendars i use, one on google and a handy, dandy paper planner and i find myself using my planner to update my google calendar! i guess since i have the added step of logging into a computer, i don’t access it much. but my planner? that’s always available.
Kimberly B.....
i also prefer to write things down and like to get an entire month calender view….plus i am an office supply junkie so i like to put pens, sticky notes, and highlighters to good use. i do love my iphone also but sometimes i am so lazy to put things in there.