
#reverb10 – day 28


December 28 – Achieve

What’s the thing you most want to achieve next year? How do you imagine you’ll feel when you get it? Free? Happy? Complete? Blissful? Write that feeling down. Then, brainstorm 10 things you can do, or 10 new thoughts you can think, in order to experience that feeling today.

(Author: Tara Sophia Mohr)


I want to be able to balance my wants and my needs. And others wants and needs.

I know when I get that balance, I’ll feel calm. And free.

Ten things I can do today to experience that feeling today:

1) Finish tasks that are 1/2 way done

2) Do something extra and unexpected.

3) Practice yoga for 5 minutes.

4) Stop procrastinating and stretch out on the foam roller.

5) Drink a glass of white wine.

6) Step out on the porch and watch the rain fall down for a minute.

7) Fold the laundry.

8) Print out a packing list for our trip.

9) Cuddle a sick baby.

10) Mark certain categories in my Google Reader “All read.”


Other readers who are playing along: Michelle at See Michelle Blog, EmilyB at A Leap Begins, Ali at His Birdie’s Nest, Tiffany at Makes Me Blush, Koritsimou at The Pale Wisconsinite, Charmi at Life on Minden, Kelly at Glamour This!, Katie atShe Likes Ruffles, He Likes Truffles, Liz at e.louise, Nodakademic,  Kasia at Good Finking, Kate at Marsh Mellow Goodness, Lydia at Nothing Rhymes with Lydia, Jenni at Moonlight & Magnolias, EP at Oh Baby!, Jen at Living a Brighter Life, Holley at Dead Flowers, Tara at Two Wishes, Marissa at marissamakes, Kinzie atKinzieSays, Maggie at A Long Far View, Nellie at Wired, Witty and Well-Dressed, Krystyn at Remember Moments and Jen at A Tale of 2 Monkeys. (am I missing you??)

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