
nothing but baby videos to see here folks


It’s Tuesday… and I spent most of the night awake due to 1) the strong winds blowing outside, 2) a baby who was mercilessly being awoken by teething pains every 10-15 minutes, 3) the fear of a tyranasaurus rex coming to take me away at any moment (scary storms and too little sleep combined with a husband who plants evil Jurassic Park memories in your head will do that to you). So my dose of caffeine – cute baby videos!

VIDEO 1: how a baby plays with a boston terrier

Baby M is getting really good at initiating play with Memphis, and Memph is starting to get the hang of it as well! Baby M’s throws aren’t too long, but she does tug really well!

VIDEO 2: A ride-along at Lowe’s

This one is just plain fun! (Taken yesterday by Mr. M)

Hope your Tuesday much more energetic than mine is!