memphis loves efficient service
On Thursday, Miss L went to feed Memphis only to discover that there was no food available for her to scoop. This left her upset, Memphis incredibly upset, and me feeling like one heck of a bad human and pet Mommy. And since Memphis is only allowed to eat crazy food that you can’t buy readily in any B&M store, I whipped out some ground turkey and she got treated to freshly cooked meals for the weekend.
Memphis has a history of hideous allergies, so we’ve been through a never-ending search from SoCal vets to NorCal vets for a solution and a food option for her. We entertained the vets with their favorite prescription food at $90/bag … only for her to develop new bad reactions. So I did “pet food” research online and got more confused about the best of the best brands for dogs with her issues, and just threw up my hands and I decided to buy “something good.” And the second I googled that one brand… the site popped up. They had a crazy coupon, so I ordered the food with no question and magically it showed up on my doorstep the next day and I paid no tax and no shipping.
But you know how sometimes you don’t appreciate things until you really really need to use that service? Well… I didn’t realize how dang awesome was until this morning. I placed an emergency “boy do I suck as a Mom” pet food order on Saturday afternoon from, and then, as I pulled out of the driveway this morning at 8am, I paused to see this scene:
Yeah. That’s Memphis’ 28 lbs. of dog food on my doorstep Monday morning at 8am. ?!?!?!
In other words, I’d like to pass on the word on to all of my pet-owning friends to take advantage of this wonderful website with amazingly efficient service! (For full disclosure, this is always just my own personal recommendation on good faith unless you see it say otherwise!)
Additional savings tips:
COUPON CODES: they always have promotions going on for 1st time customers, so check out for the latest coupon and promotion codes.
REBATES: Mr. Rebates and Ebates currently offer rebate gateways for up to 7% off!
Yes, and and and are so, so awesome! They even deliver on Saturdays!
Oh, LOVE this. In fact, I’d been looking for an online subscription delivery service and this is pretty close.
I see that you get some sort of referral bonus if I use a special code that you provide when I order. Would you publish it here so you get credit for the referrals?
I don’t think it gets me anything… but it DOES give a $5 charitable donation to Best Friends Animal Society! It’s “Kimberly_M”
I just discovered before Christmas, when I was searching for a pet bed as my sister’s gift and they had it for a fantastic price! Too bad I waited too long and they sold out, but now I’ll definitely know to go back when I need more pet stuff. Thanks!
For anyone who is wondering . . . watching Miss L feed Memphis is just about the best thing ever . . .
I just checked and they carry the food my mom uses. Passing it along because this should be really helpful to her. Especially since she sometimes has trouble getting to the one store in town that carries it.
I started using when Brayden was born. Then they introduced and and I am hooked! My mom is hooked too, and neither of us have set foot in a WalMart since August. Amazing. I hate taking two kids out just to get paper towels, soap, cat food, etc. so these websites are a lifesaver!
Stephanie @ This Casita
Ok, I’m definitely trying out this site!
Just to let you know, I tried clicking through to through your link in the post but it’s linked to another site,
Otherwise thanks for the post, I’m definitely going to check it out for my cats. :)
LOL! Thank you for catching that! ;) All fixed now!