oldies but goodies (kids songs part 3)
At 2.25 years old, Miss L loves her music more than ever! She gets to sing each day during circle time at school, dance at the end of the day, and we sing at least 2 songs each night before going to bed… after the lights are out and the books have been read. I love the fact that she can come home from school and start singing a “new to me” song and then try and teach me the lyrics and the motions. And then we sing in car too… and while we can sometimes get away with listening to some of our own music stations, Mr. M and I have become very familiar with the offerings of the Kids radio station along with Miss L. I know I’ve shared some of the newer songs she loves, but here are a few songs of the old-fashioned variety that Miss L loves just as much!
Flying Purple People Eater by Sheb Wooley
Chartreuse by Louis Jordan
If I Knew You Were Coming I’d Have Baked a Cake – Eileen Barton & the New Yorkers
And the current favorite… sung all the time…
The Rainbow Connection – Kermit the Frog
… my heart turns to pure mush when she sings, “the lovers, the dreamers and me.”
Since keeping a “word count” at this point is pretty futile for Miss L, I’m thinking I should start a “song count” list instead. Not sure that the pediatrician’s office has any place to record it, but it’d be a fun stat to throw at them in their normal routine of well visits checks. And maybe they could command a performance out of her better than I can? (we’ve entered full camera shut-down mode as of late…)
Hope you’ll find a few gems in here to sing along with your little ones as well!

I can only imagine how sweet it is to hear little Miss L belting these tunes out. MY heart is melting just reading abt it!
BTW, did you catch the game last night?! WOW, OKC came to PLAY!
I can’t wait till my guy starts singing!