
boxing day at the beach

This year, we spent Christmas in my hometown on the Monterey Peninsula. Because the weather was insanely warm (if you need an explanation into the WHY, talk to Mr. M, the environmental guy), we decided to head over to the beach and take Lincoln for his first walk along the Pacific Ocean.

2013 - 12 - DEC - Day after Christmas at Carmel Beach

If you’re curious as to where Memphis was, well, she was back at my parent’s house sleeping the day away. You see, Memphis was raised as a city dog in Los Angeles, and pretty much hates all things nature. Like dirt. Or grass, because she was taught at an early age that any small green patches of it are for potty time. And especially sand! So we took her for a nice walk on a clean sidewalk later in the day and she enjoyed that much more!

2013 - 12 - DEC - Day after Christmas at Carmel Beach

Miss L actually enjoys the frozen beaches of the central California coast. It’s mainly because every time she’s gone to one, it’s been unseasonably warm and lacking its defining layer of fog. We’ll keep the illusion up as long as mother nature continues to trick us.

2013 - 12 - DEC - Day after Christmas at Carmel Beach

It turns out that everyone with a dog in Carmel had the same idea that day. So Lincoln (and Sprockett, my parent’s dog) got to meet a lot of furry friends as they strolled from one end of the beach to the other.

2013 - 12 - DEC - Day after Christmas at Carmel Beach

Miss L walked and ran along the shore, but also stopped for a rest to build a hole in the sand. Because that’s just what one does at the beach, no matter what clothes you’re wearing.

2013 - 12 - DEC - Day after Christmas at Carmel Beach

2013 - 12 - DEC - Day after Christmas at Carmel Beach

Lincoln loved every bit of his trip, except for the heat. And we loved taking him, minus the slobber that he covered us with in the backseat.

2013 - 12 - DEC - Day after Christmas at Carmel Beach

Sprockett, who is normally an extremely shy and introverted rescue dog, went crazy on the beach. Bounding this way and that, he became a totally different dog on the sand. Maybe it’s the wide open spaces or all the other dogs, but it was fun to see him having such a blast.

2013 - 12 - DEC - Day after Christmas at Carmel Beach

At the end of our adventure, we walked back UP the sand hill to the car and we all started craving ice cream. And cold sodas.

2013 - 12 - DEC - Day after Christmas at Carmel Beach

And if we hadn’t arrived back to see a Christmas tree in the living room, there’s no way we would have realized this was December 26th.

One Comment

  • Kate

    It was ridiculous that day. We went up to Point Reyes, and even at the lighthouse we didn’t need jackets. It was like we hadn’t left Southern California.