
girl scout cookie candy bar goodness

While our camping adventures continue throughout the summer, I’m sad that Miss L isn’t quite old enough yet to experience another summer tradition: summer camp! Mr. M and I both have fond memories of overnight camp adventures and what a wonderful right of passage it was as a kid! I can especially remember how great it was as a girl to be able to get dusty and dirty and sleep outdoors and be proud of our skills! It’s something I definitely want Miss L to experience in the future!

Well one company is on board with that same train of thought and wants to help remind us just how important camping can be for girls! Nestlé decided to bring Girl Scout cookies into the summer in the form of Nestlé Crunch Girl Scout Candy Bars while also pledging to raise funds to donate to Girl Scouts of the USA!


It’s truly the best thing ever…both in concept and taste so click over to Momtastic to read why!

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