• family

    just walking the dog

    I’m incredibly happy that Daylight Savings time is here, despite my complete inability to wake up an hour early this whole week. It means that when we get home from work, there is actually a chance to enjoy a tiny…

  • family

    the 2nd birthday in photos

    The 2nd birthday started out by letting Miss choose her poison from the weekend donut box… of course she’d go after the one she’s not allowed to have on any other day! After an indulgent breakfast of chocolate, berries and…

  • family

    Miss L turned 2… who knew?

      There’s not much I can type out here without clouding my eyes full of tears, because I’m truly in awe of our little girl each and every day and night. I can’t believe that she’s only been in our…

  • family

    memphis loves efficient service

      On Thursday, Miss L went to feed Memphis only to discover that there was no food available for her to scoop. This left her upset, Memphis incredibly upset, and me feeling like one heck of a bad human and…