• family

    snapping photos in the fields

    Last week, before Easter arrived, Miss L and I went out in the afternoon sun to take photos. I had been virtually inspired by a super talented neighborhood blogger, Ashlee, who had held a pop-up portrait session in the same…

  • family

    Two months with Lincoln

    If you happened to call upon our house for a visit this week, and asked for a playdate with a puppy, you might be sorely disappointed. The second that Lincoln bounded to the door, with Memphis not far behind him,…

  • family

    Miss L’s new birthday camera

    For her 3rd birthday, Miss L received many lovely things. She’s been serending us on her pink ukelele, having “Hungry Hungry Hippo” tournaments daily, and snapping lots of photos on her new kiddy camera. She received a pink VTech –…

  • family

    setting the stage for #3

    The preparations started when I went and purchased quite a few (enough to have people giggle at me trying to get them in my backseat on a windy day)helium balloons at the Dollar Store on Sunday afternoon. Then I picked…