• saavy

    guiltless grill for you: contest winner

    And the winner is…. ERIN! Congratulations!  Look for an email from me today asking for your address and it’ll be in the mail ASAP! Thanks to everyone else that entered, and keep an eye out for more contests or goodies…

  • saavy

    via pow(d)er

    Last week, I received two free samples of Starbuck’s new VIA instant coffee in the mail. I’ll admit I don’t drink their normal coffee unless it’s courtesy of some jug that someone has purchased, but I was highly intrigued by…

  • saavy

    seize the jars

    We got the ad in the mail on Tuesday: SEIZE THE DAY SALE: DROPPAR jars (any size) for $0.99 this Saturday at IKEA!  And since we only live about 3 miles from the nearest IKEA, we figured that we could…

  • saavy

    rethinking: buying in bulk

    Whenever I return home from a trip to the grocery store, be it Costco or Nugget, I always try and sort and store what I’ve bought before it gets tucked away. Oatmeal gets emptied into its container, along with rice…