• yummy

    girl scout cookie candy bar goodness

    While our camping adventures continue throughout the summer, I’m sad that Miss L isn’t quite old enough yet to experience another summer tradition: summer camp! Mr. M and I both have fond memories of overnight camp adventures and what a wonderful…

  • yummy

    watermelon burgers

    Have you ever heard of a watermelon burger? Neither had I until it was time to start grilling for our 4th of July BBQ. Mr. M had arranged to make “Cafe Salle Pleyel” burgers for the festivities, but I opted…

  • yummy

    the “special” grilled cheese sandwich

    It was ladies night on Friday night. Mr. M was down in Southern California frolicking at his college reunion weekend, and Miss L and I were busy planning sleepovers and snacks for our weekend at home. “Alright. You can choose…