• saavy

    shoulders back, head up…

    I have a horrible time with my posture. Most people assume it’s due to my height and that lovely insecurity that is bred in the adolescent mind when you hit 5’11 by the age of 12. Maybe that’s part of…

  • kimmy

    are some goals just wishes?

    I started up my C25K plan again yesterday morning. I’d done it before, but on a treadmill, so I really don’t count that as actual race training/planning/prep. And I travelled 2.2 miles around our neighborhood from 6:00 – 6:30am. And…

  • kimmy

    i have fibromyalgia (day)…

    . Today is national Fibromyalgia (pronounced fy-bro-my-AL-ja) awareness day. When I was diagnosed 13 years ago, no one really knew what in the heck it was. In fact, my rheumatologist at Stanford had to write down the name of THE…