rock your baby to sleep with rock n’ roll
I was driving in the car with Miss L when “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” by Green Day came across the speakers. “I think I’ve heard this song before Mamma!” she exclaimed before trying to sing along with the words she…
elmo knows your child’s name
I blew Miss L’s mind the other night when I played this little doozy for her during our bedtime sing-a-long time. [ca_audio url=”http://kimberlymichelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/01177-5_02.mp3″ width=”500″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player”] Thanks to my lovely friend Janie, I downloaded that personalized song (and two little…
oldies but goodies (kids songs part 3)
At 2.25 years old, Miss L loves her music more than ever! She gets to sing each day during circle time at school, dance at the end of the day, and we sing at least 2 songs each night before…
kid songs: part 2
So little Miss L’s love of music sure hasn’t dwindled at all. If anything, it has grown immensely and now her dance moves are resembling those of mine (which means I dance like a 15-month old more than she dances…
kids songs: part 1
Baby M is addicted to kids music. I mean, she loves music in general, but she is somehow insanely perky when a “kids” song pops on the radio. I’m not sure if it’s because they play a lot of music…