• lifestyle

    vacation in San Francisco

    Over Memorial Day weekend, Mr. M and I escaped to my version of “the city” (Mr. M’s “city” will always be NYC) for a jam-packed wedding weekend. I think that I can officially call this my first “vacation” in San…

  • saavy

    shopping for cheap travel: 2013 edition

    I’ve been spending a lot of time in the past month searching for travel deals. That’s not a complaint, because it really just means that there’s a lot of travel coming up around the corner! And it just points to…

  • family

    what happens on 8/17/12 in Vegas

    You may have heard about a little bit of craziness going down in Vegas last weekend. Oh yeah. Friday. August 17th, 2012. A complete surprise of a trip. British song & dance included! The occasion: Mr. M’s birthday!

  • lovely

    Vancouver, eh?

    In April, I get to travel north for a conference presentation and take a little “mini vacay” in the process. Where am I headed this year? I’m off to beautiful Vancouver! Despite having family roots in the area (it’s where…