craft cards
I’ve realized that there are far too many good ideas out there… and among my iphone, laptop and 2 desktop computers, far too many places to store my treasures. I usually “STAR” things I like in google reader, but what about the Martha crafts I want to try, or the magazine projects or the new recipe from the newspaper?
I’ve decided that my best bet for craft project orientation is some sort of card system. I got out a couple 4″x6″ cards last night and whipped up something quick in Illustrator. The size works, I can easily file and “pin” them up, and I figure I can easily print photos on the back of the card as well. Heck, I can even stow the completed cards away with tips for the next go-around.
But before I go and print up a storm of these cards… any improvements that you would suggest I make? Additions/Subtractions?
This is too much for me to handle. Too much. So, so smart. I predict that you’ll get some really great stuff done in the next year!
kimberly michelle
@Cathleya –
aww…. thanks! Time to go print up some cutesy cards!
This is a great idea! i need to do something like this with the random projects i want to do.. that wind up getting lost in procratination zone :(
kimberly michelle
@Gayle –
my procrastination zone is long and wide… and so is the “lost memory” section of my brain!