
getting ready for the spring

Pink weeping cherry. by love_child_kyoto.
[love_child_kyoto from flickr]

All it took was a $20 coupon, a blog review I stumbled across on a random day, and a store that would ship this lovely tree to California… and suddenly we’re ordering plants through the mail!

We’ve been at this whole “gardening” business for a whole 6 months now, and while our thumbs aren’t very green, we’re trying our best to keep the grass that color. We have quite a bit of planting space in our backyard, and we’ve stuck a few plants and trees in the soil, but nothing too crazy.

So we decided to go wild a few weeks back and try our luck with some of these bargain priced online plants. We did check out the reviews on Dave’s Garden, and found most sites to be a pretty mixed bag when sending the plants. But none of the excellently ranked stores would ship us that darn weeping cherry tree, so we just took our chances here with $40 worth of plants. In addition to the three, here’s what we ended up getting:

Rainbow Butterfly Bush Rainbow Butterfly Bush Orange Trumpet Vine Orange Trumpet Vine Hardy Perennial Lilies Hardy Perennial Lilies
Everblooming Purple Coneflower Everblooming Purple Coneflower Blazing Star Liatris -- Buy 10 Get 10 Free Blazing Star Liatris Blue Columbine - Buy 3, Get 3 Free! Blue Columbine
Dwarf Daylilies Dwarf Daylilies    

Is anyone else out there into the online gardening world outside of bulbs and seeds?? Any favorite stores to recommend for next year?!?


  • Lindsey

    I bought limelight Hydrangea from QVC – they are $50 a plant around here, so I searched online, and I found they had three for $30. They are small, but they bloomed this year! I love them so much! That’s the other time/place I’ve bought plants over the net. I get catalogs from Michigan Bulb company too. They have a lot to choose from!

    • kimberly michelle

      @Lindsey – Oooh! QVC for plants too! :) I’ve seen some great new hydrangea species and I’m drooling for the colors! I haven’t bitten the bullet quite yet though, since I still remember how huge our bush was when I was little.

  • leah

    Aww, take it back, take it back! Lol. I’m a gardener, but am scared what will happen to my beds come spring when I’m 8 months preggers! I love your choices!

  • Anita

    I have never ordered a whole plant online, but let me know how it goes. All the plants you ordered are pretty hardy and should do very well. Columbine and Clematis are a tad delicate, but I am really not familiar with the climate where you are. It’s November – do you still have grass there? Our grass is on its way out.

    • kimberly michelle

      @Anita – I will definitely review the process as we go along and let you know! As for grass, we never lose it here, along with most of the hardy plants. And our hibiscus continue to thrive with lots of flowers on them as well. :) This year is all such a grand experiment in gardening for us!

  • Anita (snow pea)

    White Flower Farm. Check them out for this spring. They have beautiful plants! It seems pricey at first, but if you look at the variety and number of plants you are getting, it’s well worth it. I hope last year’s garden went well for you. Lilies are always great!