
for the scotch man in your life…

Scotch Night III by Proggie.

If you have a scotch drinker in your life, chances are you’re always hunting down some random and odd variety of the stuff for the perfect gift.

Perhaps you’re tired of reading descriptions of peaty noses and grassy palates, and you’d just like to get something tried and true as a gift. And if you put a fancy label on it, maybe, just maybe, it will replace the uniqueness factor this time around.

Glenlivet lets you personalize labels for exactly this reason… and it’s perfectly free! You’re limited to 5 labels per email address, and they’ll arrive in about 3 weeks.

Now, what’s even better, is that you can do this for Chivas, Kahlua and Wild Turkey Russels Reserve as well, which would make a wonderful holiday part gift for any host! :)