p365: January 3, 2009

We made a visit to the local county landfill today to empty our garage of the vast piles of cardboard we had accumulated in our garage in the past couple months. We usually just limit our visit to the recycling bins at the gates, but today we had some styrofoam and other waste in bags that needed to go away as well, so we paid our small fee and headed to the “trash” area.
“Out of sight, out of mind,” came quickly to our mouths… and the rotten smell on our shoes was enough to remind us to waste less, buy bio-degradable materials, and remember where trash really goes. I only got to snap one photo, since I was informed that I needed the county’s permission to take more. I’m glad it captured a little bit of everything … and it’s a good memory to keep when my hands get tired of breaking down boxes in the future.
Jenna Andersen
Gorgeous picture for a “quick snap” (I assume under some pressure from the guy telling you not to take any more). The sun flare and the birds are so nice.
Weird, but I’ve been thinking about landfills today…. If you ever feel like a surprisingly fascinating nonfiction read, check out “Rubbish: The Archaeology of Garbage,” by William Rathje. Reading it has totally destroyed any ability I once had to throw things away without guilt (you wouldn’t *believe* how long things last in a landfill), but the book is so interesting it’s totally worth it.
What is project365?
kimberly michelle
Here’s the general idea of it: http://photojojo.com/content/tutorials/project-365-take-a-photo-a-day/. You take a photo a day and keep them somewhere — I plan to keep all of mine in flickr!