29 reasons to celebrate… for you!

As a big huge birthday thank you to the world of blogging for keeping me both sane and slightly insane (trust me, that’s a good thing), I’d like to give away a goodie package of 29 great things to one lucky blog reader! The contents of the package will be kept a secret until the winner is announced on Friday, but until then you have the chance to enter by simply leaving a comment here with one great reason to celebrate TODAY!
It could be “because the irises are just peeking up and about to bloom” or “because the puppy dog kisses you got were the wettest ever.” Just share why you’re celebrating life today… and I’ll share some fun things with you!
…. and the winner is: Janna!
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
15<br />
Timestamp: 2009-05-01 20:50:38 UTC
I’ve notifed Janna by email, and am simply waiting on a couple of details from her before I share with everyone the secret contents of the gift package! Thanks so much for sharing all of the wonderful things that you celebrated this week — every comment was a burst of joy for me!

Amy I.
I love birthday-related surprises :) I’m celebrating life today because the little things like meeting my husband for lunch or seeing the sun come out after a gray morning make me the happiest girl ever. I like the new blog design, btw.
I’m celebrating today because it is the first time in 5 months that my husband is working at regular, 7:00-3:30 schedule again. He gets home at 5 which leaves plenty of time for the gym, dinner together and tv watching on the couch. Life is good when you and your loved one work the same schedule!!!
I’m celebrating today b/c I was announce on Weddingbee as the newest Bee :)
I am celebrating today because my husband woke me with a kiss, my dogs were overjoyed to see me and an old friend called to say Hi. It’s the simplest things that make the best days!!!
I’m celebrating because I’ve decided to get my butt in gear and officially join Weight Watchers again, taking responsibility for my health and happiness!
Happy Birthday! I’m celebrating because the 90 degree weather makes me think of SUMMER!
I became slightly giddy today when I blogged about what I’m doing next weekend with my husband. My husband. Husband. Tehehe. I find I’m celebrating today because saying the words “my husband” still puts me over the moon with excitement nearly 8 months after the Big Party.
That and the fact that you’ve posted three times today and have given me that “yippy! i have a new item in my reader” feeling again and again and again are definitely reasons to celebrate today! :)
First, Happy Birthday! :)
I celebrate today because it’s unseasonably warm here in Boston! I’m ready for Cape Cod summers!
I am celebrating today because I am one day closer to a vacation that begins this coming weekend! :)
Happy birthday Kim!
Besides your birthday? ;) Let’s see… It’s National Prime Rib Day and apparently “Write an Old Friend Today Day.” That grammar really bothers me, but I think it’s appropriate! :)
Michelle @ My Wedding Report
I’m celebrating because I get to go home and enjoy dinner with my fiance since I am done with school and no longer have to be in class until 10pm!
Disgruntled Julie
I’m celebrating today because I finally dragged my lazy tush off the couch and onto the elliptical for the first time in too long (and despite the 90 degree sweltering heat, I didn’t die, which I thought was a distinct possibility!).
I’m celebrating because I have a wonderful husband who packed my lunch for today! :) Happy birthday!
I’m celebrating because the weather was amazing here today 83 and sunny!
Happy Birthday!!!!!:)
I’m celebrating today because of warm weather and I can sleep with the window open!
Happy happy birthday! Hope you have a great one!
I’m celebrating that I’m on my first vacation with my husband since our honeymoon almost two years ago! In (hot) DC today, Baltimore tomm. Then NYC for the rest of the week!!!
I am celebrating that it’s in the fifties tonight before it gets up to the nineties tomorrow (I am originally from Alaska, and I miss the summers there).
I’m celebrating that I’m running my first “big” 5k this Saturday and I’m on my taper week! :)
lindsay willman
happy birthday to you!!
i’m celebrating the end of another semester and beautiful tulips in the yard.
Happy Birthday!!!
I’m celebrating today because the weather here was fabulous and I got to spent it at home with a day off :)
Happy birthday Kim! So glad you had such a lovely day. I’m celebrating life today because I have wonderful friends and family!
Julie S.
I am celebrating because we slept with the windows open last night, and I haven’t slept that well in a long time!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
I am celebrating today because my grandfather (I live 2500 miles away from my hometown, and haven’t seen him in 1.5 years) is a billion times better than he was three years ago after a nasty fall he took on the ice. Yay grandparents!
I’m celebrating today because it’s my flex day (don’t have to work) and hubby came home early to surpise me!!
Katie R
happy happy birthday. I am celebrating today b/c it was date night!! :)
I’m celebrating today because it’s my dear, dear friend’s 34th birthday.
I’m celebrating today because it’s my day off and I still have tomorrow and the next day off. Oh yeah, I cleaned my house from top to bottom and now am kickin’ my feet up with an ” ahhh” look on my face. Happy Belated Birthday! Glad that you had a great time in SF. Those macaroons in the jar looked scrumptious even though it was not a detailed pic of them. I still dreamed of them LOL :)
I’m celebrating today because I’ve started packing to move in with my fiance (in two weeks) and we just put our deposits for our wedding venue and photographer in the mail!
Happy birthday :)
I’m celebrating today b/c my wonderful boyfriend took time out of his day to accompany to my optometrist appointment, and then bought me snacks! :)
…because I’m halfway through my thank you cards.
…because it was warm and sunshiney and perfect for a run outdoors.
…because my husband of 23 days brought me a TON of sushi for dinner!
happy birthday!!
I am celebrating because today is Monday, and I made it to the gym!
I’m celebrating today because it looks like a long awaited change in my life may possibly be starting to happen!
I’m celebrating today because my daughter started walking – a lot, today! She is doing so good! And I finally went to the dentist for the first time in 8 years! And my seeds are growing – I planted 4 pumpkin seeds, from pumpkins I bought last October – and they are all growing! I’m so excited! Happy Birthday too!
Tina C.
I’m celebrating today because I did well in yoga class today, I went to disneyland over the weekend, I have cut daffodils from Trader Joe’s on my table, and because it’s just a fabulous day.
Happy Birthday.
Kimberly B.....
I’m celebrating today because I have the best husband who took care of all the household stuff so that I was able to put everything aside and pamper myself. I joined a scrapbooking/crafting club and in a couple of weeks an Argentina Tango class. It’s nice to give myself some fun time once in a while.
I’m celebrating today because there are TWO weeks till I graduate with my BA! :)
happy birthday :)
i’m celebrating because the lakers just advanced to the next round of the playoffs :)
Wow, what a lovely idea. And happy birthday wishes to you!
I am celebrating because our little family is more and more in love every day. Also because the baby rolled over for the first time today — bizarrely early and thereby confirming our suspicions that she’s a great prodigy. ;)
I’m celebrating because I love the warm weather and beginning of flipflop season! And because I got up and worked out at 5:45 this morning…
I am celebrating because I woke up before my alarm this morning.
He made the bed this morning while I was in the shower, now that is reason to celebrate!
Life is beautiful, try to cherish every moment you can!
Celebrating this morning because the coffee at the office actually tasted pretty good with a dash of sugar and splash of creamer.
i am going to watch the horses work out tomorrow morning at churchill downs in louisville and i couldn’t be happier!! the sunrise, horses and relaxing atmosphere before the madness begins with derby :)
I am celebrating today because my post-bridal chop is going towards a good cause AND making me feel light and free!!! :)
I am celebrating today because spring is finally here! I love all the sunshine.
Happy Birthday!
I’m celebrating today because we get to see/hear our favorite local band tonight for five bucks!
i’m celebrating because the giants beat the dodgers. and because i have the love of an amazingly awesome man.
but if he asks, tell him i said the love part first. LOL
Carrie =)
I am celebrating the one year anniversary of my foot surgery today. After spending 4 months on crutches, 2 months in a boot, then 6 months of physical therapy…I can walk! It’s a happy day!!!
Amanda K.
Happy 29th Birthday!
I am celebrating today because my grandparents are coming to visit me.
I’m celebrating because I finally lost 5 lbs.
I’m celebrating my pups 1st birthday! She’s the cutest little shih tzu!
I’m celebrating the nice weather out and my sisters birthday! Happy Birthday Sis!
I’m celebrating landing a new job! Finally!!! After months and months of being jobless….
I’m celebrting mid morning kisses from my hubby and pups and taking a taking a stroll around the beautiful capitol!!
I just “discovered” your blog today and LOVE IT!!! Happy (belated) birthday to you :) :)
~ Em
The Repressed Pastry Chef
Ok this might sound weird, but until a month ago I had never had a bagel and cream cheese. Can I just tell you my jubilee at discovering this fantastic food combo? I’ve been celebrating it ever since.
On a side note, I’m celebrating my first weekend actually at college in months. Between spring break and being in my cousins recent wedding I’ve driven the two hours home every weekend for longer than I care to remember. so I’m celebrating getting to go to the bar tomorrow night and getting to sleep in on saturday morning!
Happy belated birthday!
Because when we got back from disney the azalea’s and irises were all in bloom!