end of summer refresher
As the “calendar” summer comes to a close this week, I thought I’d take a time out and refresh my blog lists and subscriptions before the weekend arrives. I try my best to subscribe to as many of my reader’s blogs as I can… but I’m sure I’m missing quite a few… especially from people who aren’t the commenting type. Since I do want to read & comment on your blogs, simply leave a comment here in this thread and shout out your blog! Come on, don’t be shy! :) It’ll be a nice spot for others to find some new blogs to follow as well!
I also “restyled” my Twitter page last night. It still needs a bit of redesign help (not a very friendly format for multiple screen sizes), but I’m happy it least looks distinct and all mine. Check it out… and click “follow” if you already haven’t… I’m really quite good at following readers who sign up to follow me!

Disgruntled Julie
I’ve been a long time reader and occasional commenter, but I’ll come out of the lab to say hello again. :)
Waves hand! I think I found your blog through the Nest and I’ve been a follower ever since.
I’m a long time lurker – I occasionally comment. I love your blog though!
*Wave*I read you in my Google Reader and suggest your blog on my bloglist on our blog. I also follow you on Twitter, although I’m terrible at keeping updated on Twitter in general.
Julie S.
Love your blog, love your twitter page…HOW in the world do people know how to do all those cool things? I have hated my blog layout for awhile now but I am too scared to play with it for fear that I would lose something.
Love the updated look of your twitter page!
Timidly waving hello there….my poor blog is sadly neglected. I look forward to lots of creative preggers posts. =)
Coasting anon
I’m here :)
feel free to stop on by my spot! i know you came through once before. mmm, strawberry cupcakes. lol.
i will warn you, my blog has been made neglected as of late. so bad that if it existed, the blog protection services would have came and taken it from me!
I am a very recent visitor…love it so far!
kimberly michelle
Aw thanks Phoe! :) I’m so happy to read your blog as well!
Amy I.
Hallo! I’m here reading :) I like the twitter page design!
kimberly michelle
“Hi!!!!!” :)
Hello! I’m a new lurker but I love your blog! I’m at http://www.sassandpancakes.wordpress.com =)
kimberly michelle
Welcome Liz! :) Can’t wait to read over on your blog!
Thanks for the blog rollin’!
Mine is a recently-jumpstarted new work in progress…