everyone needs a little glee
You might not watch GLEE! on Wednesdays on Fox, but for the M household, it’s truly a spot of joy during the week. It might be as gossipy and lurid as 90210, but it’s those song/dance moments that make you pause for 5 minutes during your week, smile, and just enjoy a silly performance on a TV show.
I’ve heard lots of people think it’s crazy and weird… but I guess we fall into that lovely “drama nerd” category, only for us it wasn’t completely dorky and nerdy to belong to. I’ll blame the four years I spent in our middle school show choir, Vocal Motion, on why I think it’s “cool” … and I think Mr. M is reliving his a capella choir days as well. I mean… one of the members of his quartet is now touring the country w/the only major-label a capella choir in the country… so he’s super cool by association, right?
Anyhow… it’s silly… it’s filled with Broadway stars… it’s not a reality show nor long drawn out drama… and it’s on smack dab in the middle of the week. It’s my favorite show of the fall, and I can only hope it lives on for at least a few seasons.
So tell me, are you GLEEful…. or do you think I’m crazy?

I’ve been bitten by the Glee bug. I adore it!
brooke @ claremont road
You are NOT alone… I love this show! The musical numbers make me smile, as does much of the tongue-in-cheek or pushing-the-envelope dialogue. I love the characters, the song choices, the cheese factor… I love it all.
I am a fellow Gleek! It is a truly inspired idea.
Julie S.
I absolutely love Glee! It is my favorite show (besides The Office) and my hubby is hooked on it as well. Will is a total hottie who reminds me of Justin Timberlake, and the singing is just out of this world!
i LOVE glee! i think it’s so perfectly campy. kurt was grating in the beginning but i think he’s my favorite now. i’d join glee club if the advisor were as cute as mr. schuster. lol. loves it all
Laura D.
I LOVE it! It takes all my might to stay seated and not jump up and dance and sing. John is not sold on it, but tolerates it for my benefit. And I’m listening to songs on that link you posted, those guys are great!
Love this show! Reminds me of my nerdy-high-school-choir/acapella days as well. But our dancing wasn’t nearly as good!
Laura @ so alaurable
I love Glee too! Maybe because I secretly want to go back to high school and be a glee-club geek!
Nope, not me. I’ve tried twice, but both times my husband has looked up at the the TV and said, “WHAT are you watching????” Unless I DVR it and watch when he’s not around, I don’t think we’ll have a Gleeful household…
Amy S
I’m a complete GLEEK! I love the show and actually downloaded Glee’s version of “Take a Bow”…Lea Michele (Rachel) is all sorts of awesome!