getting ready to say thank you
Little Baby L has already been spoiled by many a friend and family member, so I’ve been in desperate need to get some Thank You notes out to everyone! I decided it’d be easiest to Gocco a design of my own… and of course, much much cheaper that way as well. It’s hard thinking of little icons to go on baby thank you cards, so we decided to stick with our tropical theme and go with a sea turtle! I printed them with light and dark purple/silver ink on Fabriano Medioevalis stationery that I had lying around from letterpress class.
I happened to print out lots of them (and refrigerated the screen to keep for later) as I figured we could use them with our sip-n-see parties later as well… since I’m sure we’ll try to keep the whole theme up for those occasions as well. Now I just have to wait for my envelopes to arrive from and I’ll be good to go!

very cute…I am always in awe of your craftiness :)
Kristin ~ Bien Living
How do you have time to Gocco with a brand new, absolutely ADORABLE little baby?! You are superwoman!
thank you kid
those little turtles are so cute. No one cant say ur welcome to that little thing, but i like the way its simple and it looks great.