quien es esa niña… who’s that girl?
When you see her, say a prayer and kiss your heart goodbye

She’s trouble, in a word get closer to the fire

Run faster, her laughter burns you up inside

You’re spinning round and round

You can’t get up, you try but you can’t

Quien es esa niña, who’s that girl…

Señorita mas fina, who’s that girl…

She’s trouble, in a word get closer to the fire

Run faster, her laughter burns you up inside

You’re spinning round and round

You can’t get up, you try but you can’t

Quien es esa niña, who’s that girl…

Señorita mas fina, who’s that girl…
One-word… Adorable!
Oh my gosh, she is ADORABLE. She’s going to be a beautiful girl, since she’s already a beautiful baby! LOVE the bow! Where’d ya get it? Piper’s mop needs taming.
kimberly michelle
You’re too sweet! The headband was from Gymboree. I’m a big fan of snatching up cheap baby headbands when I find them!
You speed up my baby clock every time you post pictures of her. Totally adorable and so stylish!
What a cutie! PS I left you some blog love on my blog today!
Kelly | Glamour This
I want her. Can you ship her to Montreal? So adorable!
Face melt…and I am still in awe of your camera. :)
Such a cute post! Cute headband too! ;) I also now have that song stuck in my head…!
Oh my goodness, that headband is so so cute on her!
TwoWishes Tara
Too cute for words!!! Love the photos.