follow Friday: people to pin with on pinterest(round #1)
Pinterest is really only as interesting as your friends and people you follow make it. Here are some wonderful pinners to follow that will make your feeds a bit more colorful and playful and just plain lovely…
Incredibly crafty and resourceful, Kira always has her eye on what’s trending and things that you want now! She’s a lovely geeky mix of tech and DIY and blog love all wrapped in one!
You might know Rachel’s shop, Pencil Shavings Studio, for her wonderful asthetic and eye for design. It’s no surprise that every one of her pins is tied right into this same wonderful vision, which makes her boards delightfully enviable!
Colleen loves color. And design. And has a knack for finding it all and mixing it together. She won a scooter from Kate Spade in a Pinterest contest… so needless to say, this girl knows how to pin in style.
Mary was my first blog crush years and years ago. And today, I still find my eyes fixated on a pin in my feed, and then smile when I see it her click that brought it to my eyes. I want to vacation in the pictures she shares… everything is just comfy and cool and breezy in her style. I love it.
Smart. Practical. Dreamy. Liene is always wonderfully honest and concise in her online life, and her pins are no different. I feel like they go through an extensive vetting process to even make it on her board, but it’s more likely that her brain is just that amazing filter. She’s a goddess in the wedding industry world, and definitely has her hand on trends in all sorts of ways.

I’m a selfish pinner, i don’t follow anyone.
Thanks! I always love to find new Pinners to follow. Each of these is interesting in their own way.
Totally adding these to my Pinterest addiction!