Forget about those short races…
Remember how I had decided to stick to short distance races this year? And away from any more 13.1 craziness? Well… I did a 180 on that whole promise.
Seems that I’m highly influenced by medals and new challenges. So another half didn’t sound too tempting.
Then came notice that RunDisney was adding a new “challenge” to its schedule: the Dumbo Double Dare.
What is this race you ask? Why it’s a 10k on a Saturday and a Half on a Sunday. Why that sounds downright interesting and too tempting to resist! Oh… and I get 3 medals and tshirts?!? Oh stop twisting my arm already, lets do this thing!
It seems I need a reason to run. I needed it back in school. Hated running on a track but was happy to do it on a basketball court. Now I need a crazy challenge to push me again… one that’s not a full marathon but just a little more. And it’s Labor Day weekend, the weekend I traditionally spend with my BFF doing something wacky and vigorous. And it’s a no brainier that she was totally willing to sign up too!
So forgive my crazy. If you know me by now, it’s par for the course. 222 days to train from today… oh yeah, I got this.
p.s. Registration opens on Tuesday, January 22nd. But, if you’re a credit card holder, a Disney Parks AP, a DVC member or a CM… you can sign up before then through this link.
I am so completely jealously excited for you! I’m still hoping I can swing it but practicality may win out. Either way, I’m totally doing it next year. And yes, the medals was basically the reason why I wanted to run in the first place too!
In all honestly, I run just for the medals :D
Carolyn P.
Labor Day Weekend!? Oh it’s going to be sooooooo hot!!! That’s the only thing keeping me from seriously considering signing up! Convince me! Convince me!
Thanks for the link Kim! I should’ve known AP’s would be able to register early, they’re always doing extra perks for us :) Definjtely registering tonight.
This is going to be so fun! I will find a way to wear all 3 medals and all 3 shirts when we parade around the park all day Sunday. 222 days – you can do it!!
Jessica G
I am motivated by dates and organized events too – I would never run further than my 2 mile loop if I didn’t have to/need to. Can’t wait to hear how the training goes and what your plans are for recovering during your 12 hours? of rest time!
Any races for Miss L?